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Creating Tabular Reports
Beginning Your PROC TABULATE Step


Now that you've pictured your table, you can begin writing your SAS program. To produce a tabular report, you first reference the library where your SAS data set is stored. You can also set system options to control the appearance of your report. Then you submit a PROC TABULATE step.

Your PROC TABULATE step contains the following statements:

SAS Statement Instructions
PROC TABULATE invokes the procedure and identifies your data set
CLASS specifies variables used to classify data
VAR specifies variables used to analyze data
TABLE defines the table to display your data

  • The CLASS statement and the VAR statement specify the variables you use in your table. Depending on the variables you specify, you can use one or both statements.

  • The TABLE statement specifies how PROC TABULATE uses variables and statistics to form the table.

  • Each variable listed in the TABLE statement must be specified in either a CLASS or VAR statement (but not in both).


You use the PROC TABULATE statement to invoke the TABULATE procedure and specify the data set you are using to build your table.

General form, PROC TABULATE statement:

where options includes the DATA= option to specify the data set to use. For example:

     proc tabulate data=clinic.admit;


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