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Creating Tabular Reports
Describing the Table

After you specify your variables in CLASS or VAR statements, you need to describe the table you want PROC TABULATE to produce.

You use the TABLE statement to specify
  • the number of dimensions in the table (page, row, column)
  • the variables in the table (Sex, Height)
  • the statistics to be calculated (MAX)
table dimensions

General form, TABLE statement:
TABLE page-expression,row-expression,
column-expression / <options>;
where each expression specifies the elements (variables and statistics) in that dimension of the table. These expressions are known collectively as dimension expressions.

NOTE: The column-expression is required, whereas other expressions are optional. This means that tables always contain columns.

Dimension Expressions

Dimension expressions contain elements.

dimension elements

Dimension expressions can also contain operators that you use when combining elements to produce the table you want.

dimension operators

Commas, one type of operator, separate the dimensions of the table.

commas in dimension expression

  • If a TABLE statement doesn't contain a comma, it requests a one-dimensional table, no matter how many variables or statistics it specifies.

  • A TABLE statement with one comma specifies a two-dimensional table.

  • Two commas indicate a three-dimensional table.


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