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Creating Bar and Pie Charts
Specifying Statistics

To specify a statistic other than the default statistic FREQ, you use the TYPE= option in the statement that specifies the chart. Let's look at the general form of the GCHART procedure again, this time focusing on the options. The TYPE= option is just one of the possible options. Notice that a slash precedes options.

General form, PROC GCHART step with TYPE= option:
        chart-form chart-variable / TYPE=statistic;

where statistic indicates the statistic of the chart variable to be displayed. Statistics include CFREQ (cumulative frequency), PERCENT (percent), and CPERCENT (cumulative percent).

NOTE: CFREQ (cumulative frequency) and CPERCENT (cumulative percent)  are not available for pie charts.


The program below creates a vertical bar chart of the variable Company, displaying the default statistic FREQ.

     proc gchart;
        vbar company;

Vertical bar chart with default statistic.

If you use the TYPE= option to specify the statistic CFREQ, the bars now display the cumulative frequency of Company, as shown below. Notice that the label on the vertical axis has changed from FREQUENCY to CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY.
     proc gchart;
        vbar company / type=cfreq;

Vertical bar chart of cumulative frequency.


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