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Enhancing Reports
Additional Features

When you create reports, you can use several other features to enhance your procedure output. For example, you can create your own formats, which are useful in formatting both character and numeric values.
     proc format; 
        value $repfmt 
        value cntyfmt 
     proc print data=vcrsales; 
        var salesrep type unitsold; 
        format salesrep $repfmt.; 

When you create list reports, you can control how values are listed and summed. For example, if your data is sorted or indexed, you can group observations by values of a specified variable, and then request subtotals for these groups. You can even modify the headings for these groups.

     proc print data=sales;
        var region salesrep unitsold net;
        by region salesrep;
        id region salesrep;
        sum unitsold net;
        sumby salesrep;


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