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Quiz: Creating Drill-Down Graphs in HTML

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  1. To associate bars on a chart with target output, you start by

     a.   creating a variable to hold the HREF address for the primary chart.
     b.   creating a variable to hold the HREF addresses of the drilldown targets.
     c.   defining link values.
     d.   assigning links within the primary chart.

  2. HREF addresses are long text strings, so which statement is needed when creating a variable to hold them?

     a.   CHAR statement
     b.   HREF statement
     c.   LENGTH statement
     d.   VAR statement

  3. Which of the following statements will properly assign an HREF address to the variable PriDrill?

     a.   if year=1998 then pridrill=sales98.html;
     b.   if year=1998 then pridrill="sales98.html";
     c.   if year=1998 then pridrill='HREF=sales98.html';
     d.   if year=1998 then pridrill='HREF="sales98.html"';

  4. HREF addresses can lead to anchors within HTML pages. Which of the addresses shown below correctly specifies an anchor?

     a.   sales98.html#office
     b.   sales98.html%office
     c.   sales98.html&office
     d.   sales98.html?office

  5. Which statements are needed to close listing output and open ODS HTML output?

    listing close;
    ods html output specifications... ;
    listing close;
    ods html open;
    ods listing close;
    ods html output specifications... ;
    ods listing close;
    ods html open;

  6. How do you specify a location for storing GIF and HTML files?

     a.   ODS HTML DIR='output location';
     b.   ODS HTML GIF='output location';
     c.   ODS HTML OUT='output location';
     d.   ODS HTML PATH='output location';

  7. To create a drill-down graph, the GOPTIONS statement must specify GIF output. The same statement can set the size of the SAS/GRAPH chart. Which of the following statements will perform both these tasks?

     a.   goptions device=gif x=480 y=360;
     b.   goptions device=gif xpixels=480 ypixels=360;
     c.   goptions output=gif xdim=480 ydim=360;
     d.   goptions output=gif xsize=480 ysize=360;

  8. What is the HTML= option doing in the PROC GCHART statement shown below?
    proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
       vbar year / subgroup=prodtype discrete
            sumvar=actual html=pridrill;

     a.   It assigns elements of the chart to a variable holding HREF address strings.
     b.   It assigns a named anchor to the current location in the HTML output.
     c.   It directs chart output to the specified HTML file.
     d.   It identifies the primary HTML page.

  9. What is the ANCHOR= option doing in the ODS HTML statement shown below?

    ods html anchor='salesq1';

     a.   It assigns elements of the chart to a variable holding HREF address strings.
     b.   It assigns a named anchor to the current location in the HTML output.
     c.   It directs chart output to the specified HTML file.
     d.   It identifies the primary HTML page.

  10. What statement do you use to subset data for a drill-down chart?

     a.   IF-THEN statements
     b.   SET statements
     c.   TITLE statements
     d.   WHERE statements


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