Drill-Down Graphs in HTML
Select the best answer for each question and click Score My Quiz.
- To associate bars on a chart with
target output, you start by
- HREF addresses are long text strings,
so which statement is needed when creating a variable to hold them?
- Which of the following statements
will properly assign an HREF address to the variable
PriDrill ?
- HREF addresses can lead to anchors
within HTML pages. Which of the addresses shown below correctly specifies
an anchor?
- Which statements are needed to
close listing output and open ODS HTML output?
- How do you specify a location
for storing GIF and HTML files?
- To create a drill-down graph,
the GOPTIONS statement must specify GIF output. The same statement
can set the size of the SAS/GRAPH chart. Which of the following statements
will perform both these tasks?
- What is the HTML= option doing
in the PROC GCHART statement shown below?
proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
vbar year / subgroup=prodtype discrete
sumvar=actual html=pridrill;
- What is the ANCHOR= option doing
in the ODS HTML statement shown below?
ods html anchor='salesq1';
- What statement do you use to
subset data for a drill-down chart?