Option Name Possible Values Description
ACCESS= READONLY determines the access level with which a libref connection is opened. Using this option prevents writing to the DBMS. If you specify ACCESS=READONLY, tables and views can be read but not updated. If ACCESS= is omitted, tables and views can be read and updated if you have the necessary DBMS privileges.
indicates whether multiple table opens in a DBMS can use the same connection. Your DBMS might have different arguments for this option; see your DBMS chapter for details.
CONNECTION_GROUP= connection-group-name specifies a connection that can be shared among several LIBNAME statements (or librefs) or by connections made with the SQL Procedure Pass-Through Facility CONNECT statement.
DBCONINIT= <'>DBMS-user-command<'> specifies a user-defined initialization command to be executed immediately after every connection to the DBMS that is within the scope of the LIBNAME statement or libref.
DBCONTERM= <'>DBMS-user-command<'> specifies a user-defined termination command to be executed before every disconnect from the DBMS that is within the scope of the LIBNAME statement or libref.


indicates whether SAS applications attempt to use any indexes on DBMS tables referenced by the specified libref.
DBLIBINIT= <'>DBMS-user-command<'> specifies a user-defined initialization command to be executed once within the scope of the LIBNAME statement or libref that established the first connection to the DBMS.
DBLIBTERM= <'>DBMS-user-command<'> specifies a user-defined termination command to be executed once before the DBMS disconnect that is associated with the first connection made by the LIBNAME statement or libref.
DBPROMPT= NO | YES specifies whether SAS displays a window that prompts the user to enter DBMS connection information prior to connecting to the DBMS in interactive mode.
PRESERVE_COL_NAMES= NO | YES preserves spaces, special characters, and case sensitivity in DBMS column names when you create DBMS tables.
PRESERVE_TAB_NAMES= NO | YES preserves spaces, special characters, and case-sensitivity in DBMS table names.
READ_LOCK_TYPE= ROW | PAGE | TABLE | NOLOCK specifies how data in a DBMS table is locked when data is read.
REREAD_EXPOSURE= NO | YES specifies whether the SAS/ACCESS engine will behave like a random access engine for the scope of the LIBNAME statement.
SCHEMA= schema-name enables you to read database objects, such as tables and views, in the specified schema.
SPOOL= YES | NO | DBMS specifies whether SAS creates a utility spool file during read transactions that read data more than once.
UPDATE_LOCK_TYPE= ROW | PAGE | TABLE | NOLOCK specifies how data in a DBMS table is locked during an update transaction.

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