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Canceling SYMBOL Statement Options

You have several choices for canceling SYMBOL statement options. You can cancel

  • an individual option

  • all options in one SYMBOL statement

  • all SYMBOL statements currently in effect.

The following examples illustrate ways of canceling SYMBOL statement options.

Example: Canceling Individual Options

If you had originally submitted this statement . . .
     symbol1 interpol=join color=yellow

. . . you could cancel only the COLOR= option by submitting the following null statement:

     symbol1 color=;

Example: Canceling All Options in One SYMBOL Statement

If you had originally submitted these statements . . .

     symbol1 interpol=join color=yellow width=2
     symbol2 interpol=join color=blue width=2

. . . you could cancel all the options in the SYMBOL2 statement by submitting the following statement:


NOTE: Submitting the null SYMBOL2 statement cancels the SYMBOL2 statement but does not affect higher or lower numbered SYMBOL statements.

Example: Canceling All SYMBOL Statements in Effect

If you had originally submitted these statements . . .

     symbol1 interpol=join color=yellow width=2
     symbol2 interpol=join color=blue width=2
     symbol3 interpol=join color=red width=2

. . . you could cancel all SYMBOL statements in effect by submitting the following GOPTIONS statement:

     goptions reset=symbol; 

NOTE: When you cancel a SYMBOL statement option, you return the option to its default value. For instance, canceling a WIDTH= option returns the width setting to the default value of WIDTH=1.


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