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Creating Plots
Using RUN-Group Processing

At this point, you've learned a number of ways to enhance plots. When you are modifying your SAS/GRAPH output, you can also take advantage of RUN-group processing. This means that when running in interactive mode, you can submit additional statements to enhance your output without resubmitting the PROC step that created it.

Let's look at an example to see how this works. Suppose you submit the following program to create a plot with unconnected triangles as plotting symbols.
     symbol1 value=triangle interpol=none color=black;
     proc gplot data=clinic.totals2000;
        plot newadmit*month;

Plot with unconnected data points

After you create the plot, you decide to change the way plotting symbols are represented. Instead of resubmitting the entire PROC GPLOT step, you can submit only a new SYMBOL statement, along with a RUN statement that causes the SYMBOL statement to execute.

When you submit the following statements, the last action statement submitted (in this case, the PLOT statement) re-executes and re-creates the output with the plotting symbols revised.

     symbol1 value=square interpol=spline
             height=1 cm width=2.5 color=red;

Plot with red, interpolated data points

To end the procedure, you must submit another PROC step, a DATA step, or a QUIT statement (shown below).

Note: Not all procedures support RUN-group processing, and implementation varies. For more information, see SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference.


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