Accessing Other Vendors' DBMS Data
Select the best answer for each question and click Score My Quiz.
- Once you associate a libref with
a DBMS, which of the following tasks can you perform?
- Suppose you submit the following
SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement. How would you reference an ORACLE table
named Profits that is stored in the library?
libname region1 oracle
user=tester1 password=testpw
- Which SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
below associates the libref Mysybase with a SYBASE
database and specifies engine connection options?
- Which of the following statements
is true?
- Which of the following programs
contains an error?
- Which of the following options
must you specify in order to create a DBMS table with column names
that match your case-sensitive SAS variable names?
- Which of the following identifies
the part of SAS software that allows you to access you DBMS?
- Which of the following sends dynamic,
non-query, SQL statements to a DBMS?
- What happens when you submit the
following program?
libname mysaslib 'c:\sas\sasdata';
libname myoracle oracle
user=tester1 password=testpw
libname myodbc odbc uid=testuser
pwd=testpass dsn=sqlservr;
proc sql;
select employee.id, lastname, firstname,
grosspay, accountbalance
from mysaslib.employee, myoracle.payroll,
where employee.id=payroll.id and
order by lastname;
- How can you terminate the connection
to a DBMS?