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Understanding DATA Step Processing
Debugging a DATA Step

Incorrectly identifying a variable's type is another common execution-time error. As you know, the values for IDnum are character values. Suppose you forget to place the dollar sign ($) after the variable's name in your INPUT statement. This is not a compile-time error because SAS software cannot verify IDnum 's type until the data values for IDnum are read.
     data perm.update;
        infile invent;
        input Item $ 1-13 IDnum 15-19
              InStock 21-22 BackOrd 24-25;

Raw Data File Invent
Bird Feeder   LG088  3 20 
6 Glass Mugs  SB082  6 12 
Glass Tray    BQ049 12  6 
Padded Hangrs MN256 15 20 
Jewelry Box   AJ498 23  0 
Red Apron     AQ072  9 12 
Crystal Vase  AQ672 27  0 
Picnic Basket LS930 21  0 
Brass Clock   AN910  2 10 

In this case, the DATA step completes the execution phase and the observations are written to the data set. However, several notes appear in the log.

NOTE: Invalid data for IDnum in line 7 15-19.
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4--
07    Crystal Vase AQ672 27 0
Item=Crystal Vase IDnum=. InStock=27 BackOrd=0
Total=27 _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
NOTE: Invalid data for IDnum in line 8 15-19.
08    Picnic Basket LS930 21 0
Item=Picnic Basket IDnum=. InStock=21 BackOrd=0
Total=21 _ERROR_=1 _N_=8
NOTE: Invalid data for IDnum in line 9 15-19.
09    Brass Clock AN910 2 10
Item=Brass Clock IDnum=. InStock=2 BackOrd=10
Total=12 _ERROR_=1 _N_=9

NOTE: 9 records were read from the infile INVENT.
NOTE: The data set PERM.UPDATE has 9 observations
      and 5 variables.

Each note identifies the location of the invalid data for each observation. In this example, the invalid data are located in columns 15-19 for all observations.


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