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Transforming Data with SAS Functions
Manipulating SAS Date Values with Functions

Let's look at another example of the MDY function. The data set Dec.Review contains a variable named Day. This variable contains the day of the month for each employee's performance appraisal. The appraisals were all completed in December of 1998.

SAS Data Set Dec.Review
Site Day Rate Name
Westin 12 A2 Mitchell, K
Stockton 4 A5 Worton, M
Center City 17 B1 Smith, A

The following DATA step uses the MDY function to create a new variable named ReviewDate. This variable contains the SAS date value for the date of each performance appraisal.
     data dec.review98;

SAS Data Set Dec.Review98
Site Day Rate Name ReviewDate
Westin 12 A2 Mitchell, K 14225
Stockton 4 A5 Worton, M 14217
Center City 17 B1 Smith, A 14230

Note: If you specify an invalid date in the MDY function, SAS software assigns a missing value to the target variable.

     data dec.review98;

SAS Data Set Dec.Review98
Site Day Rate Name ReviewDate
Westin 12 A2 Mitchell, K .
Stockton 4 A5 Worton, M .
Center City 17 B1 Smith, A .


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