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Transforming Data with SAS Functions
Manipulating SAS Date Values with Functions

TODAY Function

The TODAY function returns the current date from the system clock as a SAS date value.

General form, TODAY function:

This function requires no arguments, but it must still be followed by parentheses.

Let's add a new variable, which contains the current date, to the data set Hrd.Temp. To create this variable, write an assignment statement such as the following:

After this statement is added to a DATA step and the step is submitted, the data set that contains EditDate is created.

     data hrd.newtemp;
        set hrd.temp;

Note: The SAS date values shown below were created by submitting this program on January 15, 2000.

SAS Data Set Hrd.Newtemp
EndDate EditDate
14621 14624
14565 14624
14608 14624

Remember, to display these SAS date values in a different form, you can associate a SAS format with the values. For example, the FORMAT statement below associates the DATE9. format with the variable EditDate. A portion of the output that is created by this PROC PRINT step appears below.
     proc print data=hrd.newtemp;
        format editdate date9.;

EndDate EditDate
14621 15JAN2000
14565 15JAN2000
14608 15JAN2000

The DATE function can also create a SAS date value from the current date. The TODAY and DATE functions have the same form and can be used interchangeably.
     actualdate=today();        actualdate=date();


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