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Formatting Variable Values
Associating User-Defined Formats with Variables

Referencing Your Formats

Remember that permanent, user-defined formats are stored in a format catalog. For example, the program below stores the format JobFmt in a catalog named Library.Formats, which is located in the directory C:\Sas\Formats\Lib in the Windows environment.

     libname library 'c:\sas\formats\lib';
     proc format lib=library;
        value JobFmt
              105='text processor'
              111='assoc. technical writer'
              112='technical writer'
              113='senior technical writer';
To use the JobFmt format in a later DATA or PROC step, you must reference the library with the libref Library.
     libname library 'c:\sas\formats\lib';
     data . . .;

At this point, the Library libref is required. SAS software searches for JobFmt in either of two libraries; the temporary library referenced by the libref Work or a permanent library referenced by the libref Library.

Assigning Your Formats to Variables

Just as with SAS formats, you associate a user-defined format with a variable in a FORMAT statement.

     data perm.empinfo;
        infile empdata;
        input @9 FirstName $5. @1 LastName $7. +7 JobTitle 3.
              @19 Salary comma9.;
        format salary comma9.2 jobtitle jobfmt.;

Remember, you can place the FORMAT statement in either a DATA or a PROC step. By placing the FORMAT statement in a DATA step, you can permanently associate a format with a variable. Note that you do not have to specify a width value when using a user-defined format.

When you submit the PRINT procedure, output for Perm.Empinfo now displays the values for Salary with commas and the values for JobTitle with descriptive labels.

     proc print data=perm.empinfo;

Obs FirstName LastName JobTitle Salary
1 Donny Evans technical writer 29,996.63
2 Lisa Helms text processor 18,567.23
3 John Higgins assoc. technical writer 25,309.00
4 Amy Larson senior technical writer 32,696.78
5 Mary Moore technical writer 28,945.89
6 Jason Powell manager 35,099.50
7 Judy Riley assoc. technical writer 25,309.00
8 Neal Ryan technical writer 28,180.00
9 Henry Wilson senior technical writer 31,875.46
10 Chip Woods text processor 17,098.71


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