Generating Data with DO Loops |
Conditionally Executing DO
Loops |
The iterative DO statement requires that you specify the number of iterations
for the DO loop. However, there are times when you want to execute a DO loop
until a condition is reached or while a condition exists, but you don't know
how many iterations are needed.
Suppose you want to calculate the number of years required for an investment
to reach $50,000. In the DATA step below, using an iterative DO statement
is inappropriate because you are trying to determine the number of iterations
required for data work.invest; do year=1 to ? ; Capital+2000; capital+capital*.10; end; run; The DO WHILE and DO UNTIL statements enable you to execute DO loops based on whether a condition is true or false.
The DO UNTIL statement executes a DO loop until a condition is true. |
General form, DO UNTIL statement:
where expression is a valid SAS expression enclosed in parentheses. |
The expression is not evaluated until the bottom of the loop, so a DO
UNTIL loop always executes at least once. When the expression is evaluated
as true, the DO loop is not executed again.
Assume you want to know how many years it will take to earn $50,000 if you deposit $2,000 each year into an account that earns 10% interest. The DATA step below uses a DO UNTIL statement to perform the calculation until the value is reached. Each iteration of the DO loop represents one year of earning. data work.invest; do until(capital>=50000); Capital+2000; capital+capital*.10; Year+1; end; run; During each iteration of the DO loop,
Because there is no index variable in the DO UNTIL statement, the variable
SAS Data Set Work.Invest
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