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Enhancing HTML Tabular Reports
Adding Flyover Text

Because cell traffic-lighting draws attention to values, it helps to have notes attached to those values that explain their importance. The notes, known as flyover text or tool tips, appear when the user holds the mouse pointer over a cell.

flyover text (tool tip)

Note: Flyover text is a feature of Internet Explorer. Netscape Navigator does not display these notes.

Creating Flyover Text

You create these notes with a user-defined format in the same way you create cell traffic-lighting. In fact, since these features are natural complements, consider adding them as a pair to your TABULATE code.

To add flyover text to the Laguardia table, follow these steps:

  1. Create a format that repeats the value ranges of the Deplaned traffic-light colors. But this time, instead of naming three colors, provide a brief message for the high and low ranges. Include a blank string for the value range other.

     value deplback low-105='lipk'
     value deplflyo low-105='LOW traffic. Cut flights?'
                    245-250='HIGH traffic. Add flights?'
                    other=' ';
  1. Add the flyover attribute to the STYLE= option of Deplaned in the TABLE statement. The flyover attribute attaches your text to the cells; use the DEPLFLYO format as its value.

        table dest*(boarded transferred
              deplaned*{style={background=deplback. flyover=deplflyo.}}
              revenue*{style=<parent>}),min max mean sum /

Your program and its output look as follows. Try holding your mouse pointer over the cells.

     ods listing close;
     ods html path='c:\data' body='laguard.html';
     title1 'Laguardia Flights by Destination';
     title2 'and Revenue, March 4-10';
     proc format;
        value $desname 'CPH'='Copenhagen'
        value $desback 'CPH'='cxBBDDCC'
        value deplback low-105='lipk'
        value deplflyo low-105='LOW traffic. Cut flights?'
                       245-250='HIGH traffic. Add flights?'
                       other=' ';
     proc tabulate data=flights.laguardia format=comma9.
        class dest / style={background=cxCCEEDD font_style=italic};
        classlev dest / style={background=$desback.};
        var boarded transferred deplaned / style={background=cxCCEEDD};
        var revenue / style=<parent>{foreground=black};
        table dest*(boarded transferred
              deplaned*{style={background=deplback. flyover=deplflyo.}}
              revenue*{style=<parent>}),min max mean sum /
        keyword min max mean sum /
                style={background=cxCCEEDD font_style=italic};
        label dest='Destination';
        format dest $desname.;
     ods html close;
     ods listing;

Laguardia Flights by Destination
and Revenue, March 4-10

  Min Max Mean Sum
Destination   81 154 131 786
Copenhagen Boarded
Transferred 5 21 13 75
Deplaned 103 177 147 881
Revenue 109,885 196,540 139,951 839,705
Frankfurt Boarded 129 210 170 1,190
Transferred 5 22 13 91
Deplaned 147 237 188 1,314
Revenue 100,987 187,636 142,912 1,000,382
London Boarded 151 241 188 3,760
Transferred 4 18 11 227
Deplaned 114 250 199 3,987
Revenue 106,753 198,744 159,478 3,189,554
Paris Boarded 146 182 161 2,089
Transferred 7 29 16 204
Deplaned 153 227 183 2,378
Revenue 123,456 195,468 151,477 1,969,201


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