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Quiz: Producing HTML Output

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  1. ODS creates links to your output in the Results window and identifies output objects by icons. If you create both listing and HTML output for the same procedure...

     a.   you get only the Listing output icon.
     b.   you get only the HTML output icon.
     c.   you get both Listing and HTML output icons.
     d.   you get an error message in the SAS log.

  2. When you direct output from multiple procedures to the same HTML file...

     a.   the Results window displays a link for a single output object, containing the output from all the procedures.
     b.   the Results window displays links for multiple output objects, one for each procedure.
     c.   procedure output is overwritten, so that only the last output is contained in the HTML file.
     d.   you get an error message in the SAS log.

  3. What is the purpose of closing the Listing destination in the code shown below?
    ods listing close;
    ods html ... ;

     a.   It conserves system resources.
     b.   It simplifies your program.
     c.   It makes your program compatible with other hardware platforms.
     d.   It makes your program compatible with previous versions of SAS software.

  4. When the code shown below is run, what will the file D:\Output\body.html contain?
    ods html body='d:\output\body.html';
    proc print data=work.alpha;
    proc print data=work.beta;
    ods html close;

     a.   The PROC PRINT output for Work.Alpha.
     b.   The PROC PRINT output for Work.Beta.
     c.   The PROC PRINT output for both Work.Alpha and Work.Beta.
     d.   Nothing. No output will be written to D:\Output\body.html.

  5. When the code shown below is run, what file will be loaded by the links in D:\Output\contents.html?
    ods html body='d:\output\body.html'

     a.   D:\Output\body.html
     b.   D:\Output\contents.html
     c.   D:\Output\frame.html
     d.   There are no links from the file D:\Output\contents.html.

  6. The table of contents created by the CONTENTS= option contains a numbered heading for...

     a.   each procedure.
     b.   each procedure that creates output.
     c.   each procedure and DATA step.
     d.   each HTML file created by your program.

  7. When the code shown below is run, what will the file D:\Output\frame.html display?
    ods html body='d:\output\body.html'

     a.   The file D:\Output\contents.html.
     b.   The file D:\Output\frame.html.
     c.   The files D:\Output\contents.html and D:\Output\body.html.
     d.   It displays no other files.

  8. What is the purpose of the URL= suboptions shown below?
    ods html body='d:\output\body.html' (url='body.html')
             contents='d:\output\contents.html' (url='contents.html')

     a.   To create absolute link addresses for loading the files from a server.
     b.   To create relative link addresses for loading the files from a server.
     c.   To allow HTML files to be loaded from a local drive.
     d.   To send HTML output to two locations.

  9. Which ODS HTML option was used in creating the following table?

    Obs ID Name Sex Age Height Weight
    1 2458 Murray, W M 27 72 168
    2 2462 Almers, C F 34 66 152
    3 2501 Bonaventure, T F 31 61 123
    4 2523 Johnson, R F 43 63 137

     a.   format=brown
     b.   format='brown'
     c.   style=brown
     d.   style='brown'

  10. What is the purpose of the PATH= option?
    ods html path='d:\output' (url=none)

     a.   It creates absolute link addresses for loading HTML files from a server.
     b.   It creates relative link addresses for loading HTML files from a server.
     c.   It allows HTML files to be loaded from a local drive.
     d.   It specifies the location of HTML file output.


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