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Quiz: Enhancing and Exporting Charts and Plots

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  1. Which statement below adds a second title line to a graphics report? The second title line should display the text Houses by Style and the text should be green.

     a.   title 'Houses by Style' color=green;
     b.   title2 'Houses by Style' color=green;
     c.   title2 c=green 'Houses by Style';
     d.   either b or c

  2. Which statement is false regarding the use of TITLE or FOOTNOTE statements in SAS/GRAPH output?

     a.   Space for the title and footnotes is allocated first, which reduces the area available for the chart or plot.
     b.   Options that specify the color, font, and height of TITLE and FOOTNOTE text are placed before the text.
     c.   The default color, font, and height is different for the text in the first title line than for the text in all other title and footnote lines.
     d.   TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements placed within a PROC step affect only the title and footnotes for that particular report.

  3. Which statement below enables you to replace variable names with descriptive text on your graph?

     a.   TITLE
     b.   LABEL
     c.   FORMAT
     d.   VALUE

  4. Which HBAR statement produces the graph below?

    HBAR chart

    hbar sex / sumvar=sysbp type=mean
         meanlabel='Average Systolic Blood Pressure'; 
    hbar sex / group=sysbp patternid=group mean
         meanlabel='Average Systolic Blood Pressure';
    hbar sex / sumvar=sysbp type=mean mean
         meanlabel='Average Systolic Blood Pressure';
    hbar sex / var=sysbp mean
         meanlabel="Average Systolic Blood Pressure';

  5. What statement would you use to display the value 10000 as $10,000.00 in a graph?

     a.   LABEL
     b.   FORMAT
     c.   DOLLAR9.2
     d.   INFORMAT

  6. Which of the following statements is true for both SAS/GRAPH horizontal bar charts and vertical bar charts?

     a.   The default output shows only the statistic FREQ.
     b.   Statistics can be displayed both within and outside the bars.
     c.   A user-defined label can be applied to a statistic.
     d.   The TYPE= option must be used to specify the statistic to be calculated.

  7. It would be a good choice to export your SAS/GRAPH output interactively if which of the following were true?

     a.   You had a large number of graphs to export with a large amount of output.
     b.   You had only two graphs and you wanted to quickly export them.
     c.   You wanted to specify exactly the device driver you needed.
     d.   You had several graphs that you needed to export in a variety of file formats.

  8. You can export SAS/GRAPH charts and plots to which of the following file formats?

     a.   GIF
     b.   BMP
     c.   PostScript
     d.   all of the above

  9. Which of the following is false regarding the sizing of graphs?

     a.   You can specify the overall size of the graph.
     b.   When you size a graph, the display area and the graphics output area may not be the same size.
     c.   The way you create your graph determines the options you use to size your graph.
     d.   You can specify the width of the border outlining the graph.

  10. Which of the following can you do with SAS/GRAPH software?

     a.   create custom fonts and legends
     b.   display data or geographic maps
     c.   angle title and footnotes
     d.   all of the above


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