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Creating Plots
Viewing and Storing Plots

Viewing the Contents of the Output Catalog

After you create graphs, you can view and manage the entries in the catalog where they are stored (whether or not you specified an output catalog using the GOUT= option).

In the lesson Working in the SAS Environment, you learned to open any SAS file by using the Explorer window. To view the contents of the catalog where your graphs are stored, do the following:

  1. Open the Libraries folder in the Explorer window.

  2. Open the library where your output catalog is stored. (Remember that the default output catalog is Work.Gseg.)

  3. Locate the catalog where your graphs are stored.

  4. From the pop-up menu for the catalog, select Open.

  5. To view details about catalog entries, select View --> Details.

The catalog entries are listed in the Explorer window. To display a GRSEG entry in the GRAPH window, double-click the entry name (or display the pop-up menu for the entry and select Open).

Contents of the output catalog

Note: When the GRAPH window displays the graph, the Results window also moves to the front of the display.


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