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Try It! Specify an output catalog and view graphs.

Creating HTML output? Read this first.

  1. Copy the program below and paste it into the Program Editor window (or issue the command copy sashelp.oltutor..source).
    symbol1 value=star color=red height=2
    symbol2 value=star color=blue height=2
    proc gplot data=clinic.therapy1999; plot aerclass*month walkjogrun*month / overlay vaxis=0 to 300 by 75; plot swim*month; run; quit;

  2. Add an option to specify Clinic.Mygraphs as the output catalog for your graphs.

  3. Submit the program and view the overlaid plot. Notice the title of the GRAPH window.

  4. In the GRAPH window, scroll forward to view the next plot. Notice the title of the GRAPH window.

  5. Using the Results window, redisplay the overlaid plot.

  6. Open the Clinic.Mygraphs catalog and display the Gplot1 entry.

    Return here and select Next.



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