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Creating Plots
Additional Features

The CAXIS= and CTEXT= options enable you to specify color for axes and text in plots.
     symbol1 color=green interpol=spline value=none;
     symbol2 color=blue interpol=spline value=none;
     proc gplot data=air.airqual;
        plot avgtsp*month=state / vminor=3
             hminor=0 ctext=brown caxis=red;
        where state in ("AL" , "NY");

Display plot showing axes and text color.

You can use the AREAS= option to fill the areas below plotted lines, PATTERN statements to define the fill colors, and NOTE statements to identify the data. The legend in this example has been suppressed with a NOLEGEND option because the NOTE statement identifies the data.
     proc gplot data=air.airqual;
        plot avgtsp*month=state /
             vminor=3 hminor=0 areas=2 nolegend;
        pattern1 color=red;
        pattern2 color=blue;
        note move=(10, 19) color=red 'Alabama';
        note move=(10, 20) color=blue 'California';
        symbol1 c=red i=spline v=none;
        symbol2 c=blue i=spline v=none;
        where state in ("CA" , "AL");

Display plot showing AREAS= option

Other SAS/GRAPH Features

In addition to the capabilities of the GPLOT procedure, SAS/GRAPH software enables you to

  • create HTML output using the SAS Output Delivery System (ODS)
  • create custom fonts and custom legends
  • display data or geographic maps using GMAP
  • manage catalogs of graphics output using PROC GREPLAY
  • use PROC GREPLAY to display two or more graphs in one output file
  • customize graphics output using the ANNOTATE facility
  • create three-dimensional response surface images using PROC G3D

and much more.


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