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Creating Plots
Additional Features

There are a variety of other ways to enhance your plots. For example, you are not limited to a single plot for each pair of variables. In a plot of the form y*x=z, you can generate multiple plots based on the value of a third variable, called a classification variable. A legend is automatically generated based on the values of the classification variable. To control the appearance of the legend, you can use a LEGEND statement.

The output on the chart below displays a plot of AvgTsp and Month using State as a classification variable. It displays the average TSP levels by month for each state. For simplicity, we have restricted this plot to two states, Alabama (AL) and Georgia (GA).

     symbol1 color=red interpol=spline value=none;
     symbol2 color=blue interpol=spline value=none;
     proc gplot data=air.airqual;
        plot avgtsp*month=state;
        where state in ("AL" , "GA");

Plot with three variables

You can also control the minor tick marks for the vertical and horizontal axes by using the HMINOR= and VMINOR= options.
     symbol1 color=red interpol=spline value=none;
     symbol2 color=blue interpol=spline value=none;
     proc gplot data=air.airqual;
        plot avgtsp*month=state / vminor=3 hminor=0;
        where state in ("AL" , "GA");

Plot with three variables


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