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Enhancing and Exporting Charts and Plots
Sizing Graphs

Using the XPIXELS= and YPIXELS= Options

If you export your graphs directly to external files using program statements, use the XPIXELS= and YPIXELS= options to size your graphs. The XPIXELS= option specifies the width in pixels of the graphics output area, and the YPIXELS= option specifies the height in pixels of the graphics output area.

General form, XPIXELS= and YPIXELS= options:


where width-in-pixels and height-in-pixels are a positive integer up to eight digits long (0...99999999).

For example, the GOPTIONS statement below specifies both a height and width of 400 pixels. To add a border around the graph, use the BORDER option.
     filename piegif2 'g:\images\piechart2.gif';
goptions gsfname=piegif2 device=gif
xpixels=400 ypixels=400 border;
proc gchart data=clinic.stresstest;
pie tolerance; run;

The program above creates the following pie chart. The border outlines the graphics output area defined by XPIXELS= and YPIXELS=, and the overall graphic is 400 pixels high and 400 pixels wide.

Pie chart


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