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Creating Drill-Down Graphs in HTML
Creating the Secondary Charts and Tables

Now you can link the bars on your secondary charts to tables that hold summary data for each quarter. This time, instead of pointing to separate HTML files, the links point to HREF anchors further down the same page.

primary chartsecondary charts

Creating the Anchor Links

As with the previous links, you start by creating a variable for storing the HREF locations.

  1. In the DATA step, define a variable named SecDrill in the LENGTH statement.

  2. Give SecDrill values according to the value of QUARTER, assigning the HTML anchor names salesq1, salesq2, salesq3, and salesq4.

  3. Because these anchors will be on the same page as the charts, begin each address string with a pound sign (#) and omit the .html extension. Notice the difference between PriDrill and SecDrill below.

     data work.saletrnd;
        set finance.prdsal2;
     length PriDrill $ 40 SecDrill $ 40;
     if year=1995 then pridrill='HREF="sales95.html"';
     if year=1996 then pridrill='HREF="sales96.html"';
     if year=1997 then pridrill='HREF="sales97.html"';
     if year=1998 then pridrill='HREF="sales98.html"';
     if quarter=1 then secdrill='HREF="#salesq1"';
     if quarter=2 then secdrill='HREF="#salesq2"';
     if quarter=3 then secdrill='HREF="#salesq3"';
     if quarter=4 then secdrill='HREF="#salesq4"';
  1. To tie these new HREF strings to the bars of the secondary charts, add the HTML option to each GCHART procedure that produces the quarterly graphs.

     ods html body='sales95.html';
     title 'Sales for 1995 by Quarter';
     proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
        vbar quarter / sumvar=actual 
             subgroup=product discrete
        where year=1995;

     ods html body='sales96.html';
     title 'Sales for 1996 by Quarter';
     proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
        vbar quarter / sumvar=actual 
             subgroup=product discrete
        where year=1996;

     ods html body='sales97.html';
     title 'Sales for 1997 by Quarter';
     proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
        vbar quarter / sumvar=actual 
             subgroup=product discrete
        where year=1997;

     ods html body='sales98.html';
     title 'Sales for 1998 by Quarter';
     proc gchart data=work.saletrnd;
        vbar quarter / sumvar=actual 
             subgroup=product discrete
        where year=1998;

If you want, you can view an annotated version of the example program so far.


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