Copy the program below and paste it into the Program Editor window (or issue the command
copy sashelp.oltutor..source ).
proc print data=flights.europe;
Submit the program to print a listing of the
Flights.Europe table. Then scroll through your output in
the Output window.
In the Results window, click the expand icon
beside the Results node to open it if necessary. Then click the expand icon
to open the folder for the second PRINT procedure output. (You created the
first PRINT procedure output in the previous practice.)
Display the pop-up menu for Data Set FLIGHTS.EUROPE and
select Open. The Output window scrolls to the top of the
second PRINT procedure output.
Display the pop-up menu for Data Set FLIGHTS.EUROPE and
select Save As. In the Save As window, select or enter a
destination for your output. Then click OK or
Save to save your output.
Display the pop-up menu for the top folder labeled Print: The SAS
System. Select Delete to delete the first PRINT
procedure output from the Output and Results windows.
Redisplay the Program Editor and Log windows.
Return here and select Next.