If you are using SAS software in the OS/390 or CMS operating environments,
you can view a sample
program for platform-specific reminders.
Replace the question marks (?)
with code to
provide a valid path for GIF and HTML output. For this option, add a suboption
to specify that no path information is used in the URLs for linked files.
- name the primary HTML page active.html. In the CMS operating environment, specify active html as the HTML filename and filetype.
- link chart elements to HREF values in the variable
Drilldown .
- specify two HTML pages for output, one where
Sex= F
(actfem.html) and one where Sex= M
(actmale.html). In the CMS operating environment, specify actmale html and actfemale html as the HTML filenames and filetypes.
specify the URLs actfem.html and
actmale.html for these files.
complete two PROC steps to generate output that is subset or categorized
by values of
Sex (one where Sex= F and
one where Sex= M). Use a SAS procedure that you are
Submit the program and view active.html in your browser.
Click the bars of the chart to link to output where
Sex= F or Sex= M.
Return here and select Next.