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Try It! Select observations and modify enhancements.

Creating HTML output? Read this first.

  1. Cancel all previous SYMBOL statements to be sure that the additive nature of the SYMBOL statement does not give you unexpected results.

  2. Copy the program below and paste it into the Program Editor window (or issue the command copy sashelp.oltutor..source).
    symbol1 value=star color=red height=2
    symbol2 value=star color=blue height=2
    proc gplot data=clinic.therapy1999; plot aerclass*month walkjogrun*month / overlay vaxis=0 to 300 by 75; run; quit;
    Submit the program.

  3. Recall the program. Modify the SYMBOL1 statement to cancel the VALUE= option. Cancel all the SYMBOL2 options.

  4. Select only observations where the value of AerClass exceeds that of Swim.

  5. Submit the step and view the output.

    Return here and select Next.



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